Das Buch direkt bei Amazon bestellen Jill Churchill
From Here to Paternity

(7. Band)
englisches TB
Avon Mystery
ISBN 0-380-77715-0

Jane Jeffry, suburban sleuth extraordinare, and her friend, Detective Mel VanDyne, have braved a blizzard to join her friend Shelley at a Colorado ski resort. In spite of having all their kids along, Jane and Shelley imagine a few mindless days of relaxation. But their hopes are dashed on their first attempt to ski when Jane careens into a snowman that hides a very real - and very dead - body.
The slopes are littered with suspects - a convention of genealogists led by a political fruitcake who thinks she's going to put her hand-picked Tsar on the Russian throne, a mysterious crimson-clad skier who's always on the horizon, an ex-stockbroker who's hiding from his investors, and an irate tribe of Native Americans. Jane has to take a census of the suspects and make some grave assumptions about who was vacationing with malicious intent.

Im Schnee macht Jane eine unerwartet gute Figur - was den Fan der Serienheldin schon deshalb froh stimmt, weil sie gegenüber der fast schon unheimlich perfekten Shelley, doch hin und wieder ins Hintertreffen gerät (wem von uns passiert das nicht...).
Absolut faszinierend jedoch ist der Exkurs in die Welt der Genealogen - fast spielerisch gelingt es der Autorin diesmal, viel Wissenswertes auf die Seiten zu packen, die wie immer voll sind mit köstlichen kleinen Bonmots und aberwitzigen Situationen.

Miss Sophie